In the spring, I made a little personal challenge with myself to make ten dresses by the end of the summer. There are a couple reasons for this challenge – 1. I love dresses and 2. I was finding that I was doing very little personal sewing, being so caught up in running the shop.

Looking in my closet this morning, I realized that I had made six dresses so far! With still two more months until Labour Day, I decided I should up the ante and go for thirteen. (this is my favourite number & the day of my birthday) I’ll be posting each dress, starting with the ones I’ve already finished. Wish me lucky thirteen!

Dress #1 – Amy Butler Lotus Tunic
Fabric – Kaffe Fassett Winding Floral in Pastel

This is the first Amy Butler pattern that I’ve attempted to make. I found her directions to be quite clear and easy to follow. Amy suggests using a contrasting fabric for the upper bodice pieces and bias trim. I decided to stick with just one fabric. This William Morris-inspired print is so stunning that I wanted it to get all the attention. The pattern also calls for belt loops in the side of the tunic and a belt. I tend to avoid belts and I really like the look of the girl on the cover of the pattern. (They have styled it with the belt tied in the back, which is another option)

The only other adjustment that I made was to make the back darts bigger, to cinch the waist in more. I have a very curved back, so I make this adjustment a lot. Other than that, the fit of the dress is amazing.

I wasn’t planning on doing the lining. You can use the facing pieces from the tunic top instead. This is what Dory did with her dress. At the last minute I changed my mind and decided to do a solid Lilac cotton lining. I’m really happy that I did. The dress feels very finished & proper with the lining. The sleeve detailing is my absolute favourite part.

Already I’ve been spotted wearing it on multiple occasions by certain people. Yes, it’s THAT dress, the one you wear because it requires no thinking in the morning and you know you’ll look good.

Amy Butler Lotus dress


  1. fabulous dress! I’ve been looking over at flickr at each person’s interpretation of this pattern and I must say your is my favourite! I’d like to see all of it 🙂 Does it fit well? Is it flattering? Show us more of all the dresses you’ve made!

  2. Concha – I’ll try to get someone to take a full length photo of me in the dress. It is both a very fitted and flattering dress. I have only had good feedback from people who have tried this pattern. I highly recommend it. I’ll be posting many more dresses over the next little while, keep checking!

    Tania – hi!! yep, finally a workroom blog. i’ve just decided to cut out sleeping altogether to fit this into my schedule. 😉

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