Zeesy's watercolours

It used to be that having your portrait painted was the only way to have your likeness live on. Before the camera, there was the portrait artist.

I’d really like to recommend the experience of having your portrait painted and if you’re lucky, having it done by Zeesy Powers. Zeesy has been at the last two trunk shows at the workroom, painting portraits of a steady stream of eager subjects. Her watercolour artworks are small, cheery and something to cherish.

I asked her how she got into doing these watercolours. She said, “I started doing drawn portraits to meet people and make some money for lunch. I got a pile of free watercolour paper, all small pieces, and it seemed like a nice way to practice portraits and watercolours, two things I had been thinking of taking classes on. It made a lot more sense to just combine everything and just do the portraits for $10. As a side note, I am leaving the country for at least a year this September, so this is probably the last chance people will have to get a live $10 portrait from me in Toronto in the foreseeable future.”

Take a peek at her website to learn about her other projects, to read her insightful relationship rules or to arrange a portrait of your pet. My favourite is her version of ‘Lost in Translation’ as a 20-second monologue.

Zeesy is a clever, talented lady who will also tell you what she thinks of you for $5. Don’t let her leave town without saying, ‘hello’.

Zeesy will be at the Kids Trunk Show at the workroom, 1340 Queen Street West on Sunday August 17, 2008 from noon – 5pm

Zeesy Powers

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