Happy Monday!

Wow, what a crazy fun day yesterday was! The Kids Trunk Show couldn’t have had a sunnier day or a better crowd. It was so delightful to see all the kids running around, decorating cupcakes with piles of candy, having their portraits done and just generally looking as cute as can be.

Today I’m going to take it easy, by my standards. I’m riding my bike downtown to pick up a new pair of flip flops and have lunch in the park.

I just posted most of the photos the Trunk Show on flickr. Did anyone out there visit the show yesterday? Did you have a good time? Did you buy a special treat (or two)?


  1. kessa – it wasn’t so bad really. just a lot of cupcakes with no tops and sprinkles everywhere! happily there were a few leftover, so i’ll be having a cupcake breakfast tomorrow at the shop.

  2. Pingback: KIDS TRUNK SHOW
  3. i had a great time! it was my very first time selling at a show and i loved it. everyone was really friendly and i bought a pouch from debbie and a button pin from megan.

  4. the trunk show was loverly. 😀
    well done everyone! i totally missed out on some yummy looking cupcakes tho. :O

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