As I headed out the door this morning for a long walk with Maisy, I was bundled up in a long cardigan and scarf around my neck. Fall is quickly approaching. Today is a rare day off for me when I don’t have a meeting or a slew of errands to run for the shop. I have a lot of work to do, but I get to sit at home on my bed with my laptop. It’s a treat.

Before getting into all the work that needs to be done (website updates, newsletter, scheduling new classes, etc), a brisk walk in High Park seemed the best way to start the day. We stopped at the dog food store and I loaded up on treats for Maisy, then we crossed the street to Starbucks and loaded up on treats for me (extra hot chocolate and a donut). This relaxing excursion to the park used to be a weekly event which I realized today that we haven’t done in months. I also spent some time in the garden admiring how green and overgrown it got over this rainy summer. I’m particularly proud of my mossy stump planter.

You might notice that there’s a new page on this blog – an evolving list of crafty projects i hope to try out… I have a feeling the list is going to grow faster than I can check things off of it, but I’ll do my best. (and i LOVE making lists)

p.s. I’ve just started making Dress #13!! You’ll be hearing all about Dress #12 tomorrow.


  1. Loving your ‘crafty to do’ list esp because it mentions me teehee! Thanks 😉 best of luck with it all, Im enjoying following your dress progression as I really have an itch to start making clothes but eek its so intimidating! The mushroom is such a pleasure to make and takes no time at all. Enjoy your day!

  2. ani – thanks!!

    becky – i think i need to make the mushroom project a priority. i could use a quick and fun project… i just need to decide what fabrics to use. oh, i think i know just what to do!

    melissa – you should see my closet, it is now overtaken with dresses! i will have some kind of celebration when i finish the last one, if only just dancing around my living room.

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