Look what came in the mail the other day, a hand-stitched leather brooch from Belgium! This came from the lovely Sandrine, who is a super crafty gal. I was really happy to hear from Sandrine, who suggested a swap for this laser engraved brooch I made. This is my first swap, how fun!

Merci beaucoup, Sandrine! I love it and look at the perfectly matched outfit I was wearing the day that it arrived.

I have been collecting photos of people and their brooches. I feel like the brooch has made a really good comeback in the last year and I love seeing all the different ones that people have. It is such a great way to wear a little piece of crafty goodness.


  1. I saw this post this morning and took it as a sign that I should order the brooch I’d had my eye on this week. So I did (only $14, and so unique, I think)! I went overboard with brooches a few years ago (culminating with the purchase of a HUGE rhinestone number from H&M that people had to shield their eyes from) but I’m so happy to go back to them now.

  2. oh anabela – i feel like i could just copy everything you do! (okay, i admit, i kinda do) that brooch is amazing and well priced. definitely a MUST HAVE.

    becky – thanks! though sandrine deserves more credit for mine, as all i did was open up the envelope and receive it!

  3. OOOOOOH thank you soooooooooo much !!! I’m sooo touched and blushed ! and honoured !! thank you thank you thank you !! Enormous smooches from Belgium 😉 XoXo

  4. i would like to claim broochiest workroom visitor as evidenced by your photoset. wait till you see the chest candy i have to flaunt from my travels. that was horrible. nobody should call brooches ‘chest candy.’ i’m sorry.

    also, that other becky is not me.

  5. sandrine – you’re too cute! i’m honored to have your lovely brooch. let me know when you receive my package!

    melissa – sometimes i feel like that collar makes me look 5 years old.

    becky – (of sweetie pie press fame) i’ve fallen off my brooch bandwagon lately, but hope to pick it back up for fall, so get your collection ready.

    it’s crazy, but there is another Becky… not someone trying to ‘imposter’ you. (i don’t think that’s the correct use of that word, but i like the way it sounds and you know what i mean.)

  6. ooh I agree I adore brooches and went through a phase of wearing as many as possible in one go! I love Sandrine’s brooch, the colours are lovely.

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