1. I know you said that you weren’t aware of the lack of seam allowances in the japanese craft books until you tried to piece the sleeves to the body… I saw this on the purl bee and thought it would be useful for using other books.
    I have never pulled out the pattern part of any of my japanese books because I haven’t tried to make anything yet, so I didn’t know that the pattern pieces were all printed on on top of the other. Was this the case when you made the dress from the fancy dress book?
    Tracing the pieces adds an extra step, boo! but this may be a perfect use for the giant roll of mylar I’ve got. Do you think a tracing wheel would cut through thin mylar?

  2. it’s definitely a slight pain to trace out the individual pattern pieces, so mylar could make it go faster. that tutorial on purl bee has lots of good tips. are you thinking of tackling a specific pattern?

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