I’ve been dying to see this nani IRO fabric in person. It’s double gauze cotton (a soft, loosely woven cotton that is double layered together) and it just arrived with a large shipment of Japanese fabrics. It’s beyond lovely.

I’m going to flip through my nani IRO pattern book for some inspiration for this fabric.
If I’m in love with a fabric, I usually have to wear it. Hence, the need for crazy 13 dress challenges.

p.s. Where the heck is dress #13???!! It’s late, my friends. I can only say that it will be worth the wait. (and it’s still too warm to wear coloured tights)


  1. I might as well just get my boss to make my pay cheques out to you from now on…all the glorious new material spells trouble for my bank account!!

  2. karyn, the new fabrics are woooonderful.
    i love japanese fabric and have ordered some online. although i like getting stuff in the mail, the anticipation is also killer. now all i have to do is drop by and get my hands on them right away!

    ps: my sister’s rule with tights is that as long as the high is under 20 degrees, it’s okay to wear tights. harhar.

  3. I had just resolved to be good and not buy any more project materials until I actually finished/used some of the things I’ve got around, but you are making it VERY difficult!

  4. i better figure out what i’m planning on making with this fabric, it’s already flying out the door!

    angelune – i need it to be a bit colder to break out the tights. plus, i’m in a bit of wardrobe denial, hanging on to my summer dresses until the last possible second.

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