I love these pretty stones by resurrection fern and these ones too.

I have long loved The Submarines. I also love the story of how they got together, broke up, got together again when they learned they were both writing songs about the other, made an album combining those songs and got married. “You, Me and the Bourgeoisie”, is my song of the moment. (even though I just discovered it was used in an Apple commercial) You can hear it on their website and I think it will make you happy.

My music collection could really use some freshening up – what’s your song or band of the moment?


  1. I’m loving Seabear at the moment. Sort of an Icelandic Belle + Sebastian but with fiddles! Good sleepy morning tunes.

  2. when i was reading your entry i had seabear in mind too!
    their songs have been on constant repeat on my ipod.

    particular seabear songs that i really love:
    cat piano
    hospital bed
    hands remember
    i sing i swim

    lily allen:
    i could say
    who’d of known

    we will not grow old
    live like you’re dying
    gravity rides everything

    other songs:
    window bird – stars
    overboard – ingrid michaelson
    boneless – the notwist
    come out of the shade – the perishers
    say a lot – buddy
    coffee shop – landon pigg
    samson – regina spektor

    you should give them a try 🙂

  3. p.s: i forgot to add the weepies! these are my favorite songs by them:

    somebody loved
    painting by chagall
    living in twilight
    gotta have you
    nobody knows me at all
    take it from me
    world spins madly on

    other favorites by stars:
    calendar girl
    elevator love letter
    one more night
    in our bedroom after the war

  4. First, the workroom and makesomething have become regular sources of (local!eee!) inspiration and fun for me. Thank you!

    Ahem, so a friend made me a CD that included a track by Brandi Carlile…I’m not sure what the other tracks are because I’ve been listening to her on repeat. Love. As soon as my ship comes in, her album “The Story” will be mine.

    Oh, the song is “Turpentine.”

  5. It’s been out for a while now, but the latest Beirut album (The Flying Club Cup) is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard!

  6. Heather – seabear?! firstly, that name is just too cute. and i bought the album right away on itunes. love it! thank you so much for the suggestion.

    Melissa – wow, that’s a great list. that will keep me busy for a while.

    Concha – i really like Kings of Convenience, and I’ve never heard of Joan as a Police Woman – I’m going to check it out!

    ella – i’ve been meaning to check out jenny lewis, i’ll get on it.

    amy – i’m so glad you’re enjoying it all. (btw – your quilt blocks are so so lovely!!) i’m going to check out ‘turpentine’, the name is intriguing, to say the least.

    kalpna – hmm.. great suggestion! i love beirut. my favourite song it ‘postcards from italy’, it make me want to dance around!

  7. I love the Go Find, the Sea and Cake (Sam Prekop too), Mojave 3 and the Notwist. I could go on. Oh – if you like Kings of C, check out the Whitest Boy Alive. It’s Erlend O. with another band.

  8. A Compilation That I am Making For A Friend of Mine

    1. Panic by The Stills
    2. Notion by Kings of Leon
    3. New Wave by Against Me!
    4. You Wreck Me by Tom Petty
    5. Mr. November by The National (One For Barack!)
    6. Midnight Man by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
    7. Hold Me by Fleetwood Mac
    8. White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
    9. Angels by Black Mountain

    10.Sure Know Something by Kiss
    11.Soldier’s Grin by Wolf Parade
    12.You’ll Find A Way by Santogold
    13.Race:In by Battles
    14.You May Be Right by The Grapes of Wrath
    15.Blue Flower/Blue Flame by Destroyer
    16.Skinny Love by Bon Iver
    17.John Allyn Smith Sails by Okkervil River
    18.Luna by Smashing Pumpkins

  9. Brian – you are a compilation king! a good music mix is like gold. thanks for sharing this and of course those awesome cd mixes too! also, i’m enjoying YOUR cd, it’s lovely!

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