What a gorgeous fall/birthday weekend! Saturday night Andrew took me to Le Select Bistro for my favourite meal, steak frites. Everything was incredible; the wine, the crispy fries, the perfectly cooked steak and the yummy creme brule. I LOVE french bistro and this was everything I love about french bistro. Delicious and luxurious!

On Sunday we drove out to the Halton region to hike on the Niagara Escarpment with Maisy. It’s one of our favourite excursions, no matter what the season. With the changing leaves right now, the landscape is especially brilliant. The woodland scenery is filled with mossy rocks, ferns, chipmunks and large mushrooms, so I was endlessly mesmerized by it all. I lifted two tiny little plants for my terrarium and wished that I could have taken home a few mossy logs and rocks.

Sunday night I finished dress 13, which has a bit of a woodland theme. I wore it last night at the workroom’s birthday party, so I’ll be posting it tomorrow. This was definitely the best birthday I’ve had yet!


  1. funny – i went for a walk in Cambridge on Sunday evening, and was supposed to go to the escarpment on Monday but ended up on the waterfront. it was also an amazing birthday weekend for me.

  2. oh yaye! i’m glad your birthday festivities were so refreshing and delightful. and i must say. you’re making me want to dive into a french bistro this very minute!

  3. mb – yes, it was ‘swoon-worthy’!! it’s amazing what an extra day off can do for a weekend.

    angelune – the weather was so perfect, i’m glad you had good outdoor adventures and a fun birthday too!

    bobbinoggin – thank you! who can resist the french? not me… any excuse to have those crispy frites!

    michelle – i missed seeing you last night. thank you for the birthday wishes. hopefully i’ll see you soon!

  4. You looked particularly beautiful on the night of your party. Congratulations on completing your 13th dress, Karyn. What an achievement!

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