Christmas Dinner

I’m starting to feel somewhat mellow now that the holiday race is over. Many of my gifts have not quite been completed or delivered/mailed, but the pressure of the 25th has finally past. The night of the 23rd, I stayed up until 5am trying to get a few of my handmade gifts completed on time. I’m not going to lie, at about 2am, I was cursing my crafty self and wishing I had gone out and shopped with the masses.

There are a few things I would like to note here for my future self in hopes of avoiding this possible meltdown next year.

  • The more pieces of fabric involved in making a gift, the more time it will take to make. Small patchwork potholders with home-made bias trim and two layers of batting are not a quick gift to be whipped up the night before giving.
  • Googling new sewing techniques in the middle of the night makes for a steep, pressure-filled learning curve.
  • Keeping a plentiful supply of chocolate on hand makes anything less painful.
  • Switching over to another project that is much simpler will give you the instant gratification and drive you need to get the harder projects done.
  • Start making holiday gifts well before December 20th! (or celebrate Christmas in mid-January)
  • That said, I’m really pleased with the things I made/am making. All will be revealed shortly.

    Besides all the crazy delicious foods I consumed over the holiday extravaganza, my other standout highlight would be trying Rock Band 2 for the first time. Apparently, I really like to play the guitar (easy level only) and I’m not very good at the drums. I had no idea it was so fun!


    1. oh yes rock band is so much fun! i do the easy level with the bass guitar so that it’s much easier. and rocking to alanis’ “you oughta know” is the best!
      i can’t wait to see the things that you’ve made! how many snap coin purses did you make?

    2. sandy – i fear that next year will be the same, but perhaps this reminder will help to change my crafty future. i can only hope. happy holidays to you!

      courtney – i had no idea i had an inner ‘rock star’. i hate to admit i might be addicted. if only i can work up the nerve to sing a song!

      melissa – i think i’ll be spending more time with my brother this year. (he’s the one with rock band) also – i made 15 snap coin purses… crazy, i know!

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