Before we get too far into the new year, I thought it best to set out some achievable resolutions for myself. I find list writing to be a very useful tool. I’m constantly surprised at how much more I get done, when a list has been made. Hence the reason behind ‘My crafty list of things to do‘. I’m making a separate list of goals for the workroom, but I’ll keep that private for now. I don’t want to give everything away just yet.

  • Eat breakfast every morning (not just pie and cupcakes)
  • Increase my calcium intake (so I don’t feel guilty at my yearly check up with my doctor)
  • Do yoga classes (there’s a yoga studio right across the street!)
  • Take a week long vacation (while the shop stays open!)
  • Read more books (i’m now part of a book club, so i hope this helps)
  • Finish unfinished projects from last year or before (quilt sampler, queen-sized quilt, patchwork pillows, pair of pants)
  • Take 2 days off a week, rather than 1 (some weeks)
  • Keep reducing the amount of plastic in my life (must make re-usable bags for the bulk food store)
  • Get organized & keep writing lists (my new agenda is waiting to be filled)
  • On a side note, one year I kept a running list of various things in my life such as how many cartons of orange juice or eggs I had bought, how many movies I had seen, books I had read, how many flights I had taken, etc. It was a fascinating list and I really wish I had kept it.

    I was on television last night for about five seconds on a new HGTV show called, “The Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price“. We had filmed for the entire afternoon and part of a class and in the end they used the tiniest slice (thankfully). It was both thrilling and horrifying at the same time.


    1. I applaud your reading goal! I’ve had trouble with the deadline pressure of book clubs or libraries, but it would be fun to have people to discuss the books with. Please let your club know about my favorite book-swapping site, http://www.bookins.com. Bookins is the only trading service I’ve found that helps you swap stuff with no fuss. There is no standing in line at the post office, and no need to follow-up with each member you exchange with. They provide the postage & mailing label, which you print out at home, they track all shipments, and make sure you get back items of equal value. They even provide replacements at their expense for lost or damaged items. You can check it out here: http://www.bookins.com/index.php?p1=1c_0cq0cA

    2. Your Resolutions are great Kayrn – I am especially pleased to see you have added taking a vacation and two days off a week! Can’t wait to hear more about the Workroom’s 2009 goals as well.

      Looking forward to tomorrow night and hearing more about the HGTV show – how exciting!

    3. lol i was just about to write a resolution list when i stopped by your blog first.
      congrats on being the show! can’t wait to see it!
      love the pics by the way 🙂 sigh, the beauty of an slr cam.

    4. hmmm, I’m not one to make lists very often except when I’m leaving on a trip and I don’t want to forget anything.

      However, I agree that more will get done if a list is made!

      1 – I need to finish the secret quilt I started. It’s a gift for friends who were married this past August.

      2 – Sew more. I’ve got two projects started (on top of the quilt project) – that is the birdie sling bag and the jj blouse from Burda. I’m off to a good start, as I finally made a skirt from an old pair of jeans this past weekend, a project that had been on my mental to-do list for ages.

      3 – finally put some of my work on etsy.

      4 – photograph my crafts before I give them away! I’m terrible at doing this. I didn’t take one single picture of the gifts I made for xmas.

      These are only the craft-based resolutions, but it’s inspiring me to get some other to-do lists on the go. Thanks for the push Karyn!

      (p.s. one big “to-do” has been to train my dog not to bark when she is left alone. I’ve been working with a dog trainer for about a week and a half, and it’s tough! but the pay-off will be worth the work)

    5. charlotte – what a fantastic idea. thanks for the linke to bookins. my book club is me and two of my dearest girlfriends. mostly it is meant to get us together on a regular basis. i have to admit that at our first meeting i had not quite finished the book and didn’t have anything constructive to say about it, having missed the entire important finale. i have a couple weeks to make sure that doesn’t happen again.

      charlotte – i’m so excited to get a copy, most for my mother who is away right now and seriously wanted to cancel her trip to watch it on tv! thank you.

      lauren – yes, i’m determined to be more efficient and effective this year. and i’m having a daydream of going to japan for my holiday!!

      melissa – i’ll have to read your resolutions. hopefully the slr fairy will visit you this year. i just love my little nikon.

      angelune – i think posting this list will help you get all these fun projects done. and i want to hear about your experience with the dog trainer… maisy could use some refresher training too.

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