Did you have a good weekend? We had take-out Chinese food friday night for dinner and my fortune cookie told me that, “Now is a good time to explore”. Sooo…. I let myself overindulge in some serious blog surfing over the last couple days. I’ve also finally gotten myself on Google Reader to organize all my blog reading. What a delight! Now I can read even more blogs every day, make notes, add tags and file away the things I want to remember. I feel like an efficient secretary with a well labeled filing cabinet.

I discovered some amazing new blogs that are already quick favourites – Ill Seen, Ill Said and Lobster & Swan top that list. You must visit, they will make your Monday. (or any day)

I also updated my blogroll, so now is good time for YOU to explore too!

My Saturday night was spent peering out my bedroom window watching over a dozen police and SWAT team point their firearms at my neighbours’ houses while they tracked down a robbery suspect who was hiding in one of the backyards across the street!


  1. Hi Karyn; I can’t believe it took me this long to find your blog! I still get the workroom updates and I’m so jealous I’m no longer in the neighbourhood to take your classes. I’ll be visiting in February though! I miss Maizie too!!

  2. OMG!
    I instantly thought of you when I heard on the CBC that the robber was found on Campbell Street.
    I hope your neighbour is ok (and you too!)
    Ah, our hood is so delightful sometimes.

  3. 1. Google Reader is blowing my mind. How did I live without this magical tool of efficiency?! Thank you for mentioning it, Karyn.
    Maybe you already know this blog, but I just discovered it today and am in love. …not sure if it’s technically illegal?

  4. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll Karyn, I am so behind on blogging right now! I would love to have some free time to sit and while away the hours jumping from one blog to another – I used to do that so much and now I feel like I really took the joy of it for granted! Still manage to catch up with my favourites at the weekends though 😉 x

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