People who know me, know that I like to take my time. “No need to be hasty”, was a favourite saying of mine for many years. As a Libra, I’m prone to weighing all the pros and cons of a situation, doing ridiculous amounts of research and patiently waiting until the right answer is clear to me. I don’t do well under pressure or when put on the spot.

the workroom has needed a clock since it opened, but of course, it had to be the RIGHT clock. A vintage, two-sided school house clock. I skimmed ebay every once in a while, scouting out the perfect clock and found one, only to forget to actually place a bid for it on the day of the auction. Drat!

More time passed and finally during the summer I found and won this lovely, functioning clock that fit all my specifications. When it was delivered, I discovered that it would require an electrician to create an outlet in the spot that the clock was to be mounted. Hmm, best to gather up some other electrical work to be done all at once to maximize having a professional in the house. And so that clock sat for a few more months, waiting patiently.

Last Friday afternoon, two electricians arrived and quickly installed a couple new vintage light fixtures in the back hallway, fiddled with the ceiling fan and mounted my lovely clock. Sometimes, it is absolutely amazing to hire someone else to do work for you. The clock is glorious, it keeps great time (on both sides!) and has added another strange whirring noise to the symphony of noises from the vintage oddities in the shop already.


  1. hurhur… being a libra myself, i can totally relate with taking my own sweet time with everything! the clock is lovely though, definitely worth the wait 🙂

  2. Wonderful, amazing, brilliant clock!

    I also believe in being patient and waiting until you find the ‘right’ thing… even if it means living without it for a long time!

  3. I wish I had your patience Karyn! Jin acts like a Libra, but alas, he is a Gemini. Do they thoroughly think things through too?
    That is such a perfect clock!

  4. I stared at that clock forever on Sunday…I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed it before:) It is clock perfection.

  5. I’m so glad you got it up! Chris drools over that clock every time he visits the workroom.
    It’s really lovely.
    I love the sound of an old clock.
    I found a really beautiful little wall clock at the St. Lawrence Antique Market on my birthday and had to buy it right away. I had it in my hands less than five minutes and dropped the bag on the ground. The clock face broke, (adding a lot of character!), but the clock still worked, so I still put it up. But it whirls so loudly that if nothing else is on in the room, it’s all I hear!

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