I’m doing well with my goal of working on more ‘house-related’ projects. I just finished these simple patchwork pillowcases. The patchwork strip is an off-cut from the queen sized quilt that I’m currently hand quilting. Since it will likely be quite a while since I actually finish the quilt, I thought a few pillowcases might motivate me to move faster. I can’t wait to get the finished and washed quilt on the bed! I can’t even imagine how satisfying that will feel.

The pillowcases are very simply done, with an envelope pillow-style opening at the back. I just copied the pillow cases from our new Dwell bedding. (bought at the cutest little shop – La Merceria). I’m planning on doing a duvet cover next but I just figured out that it will require about eleven metres of fabric. So, I’m going to need to do a bit of planning.

I’ve also got a couple window treatments in progress and I’ll post those once they are complete. With the nice weather approaching I’m trying to focus on doing these home projects before I get the itch to start making dresses again.


  1. Love the fabric choices for your pillowcases.
    They really do compliment your new sheet set very well.

    La Merceria, eh? I’ve walked by before but never gone in. I think I may just have to now!

  2. sarah – thanks! you must stop in to la merceria. it’s a little treasure of a shop with teas and so many lovely products.

    amanda elizabeth – i love dwell bedding. which duvet cover did you get?

    jennifer – merci!

    charlotte – it’s a japanese import by daiwabo. it’s the perfect brown, it goes with everything and has the cutest little dot pattern.

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