I know, it’s Wednesday already, but I’m a slow blogger. This is one reason I’m trying out Twitter – to give little updates that are more timely. I’m finding it completely confusing so far, but if you want to follow me you’ll know precisely when the UPS guy delivers new fabrics and other possibly interesting/not interesting tidbits.

Okay, back to Sunday. I wore coloured tights for the first time! (since I was 5) This was a silly personal goal of mine this year, to finally wear a pair of turquoise tights I’ve had for ages. Done.

Then, I had two surprise visitors to the workroom Sunday afternoon. Rosalyn and Michelle bumped into each other near Sanko, picked up some treats and came by the workroom. It was an impromptu sweet treats party!

Michelle also brought along a cute embroidery book for me to look at. I’m posting photos because it’s full of awesome ideas. The book is called Embroidery Animals & Insects (ISBN 9784021904288) I really love the little embroidered felt postage stamps. I need to embroider a quilt label for my double wedding ring quilt and wish it would look like there were adorable hedgehogs crawling around my perfectly formed letters.


  1. I cannot get over how cute that bunny with the outstretched back leg is. Oreo does that, which is probably why I love it so much. And the hedgehogs! My, my, so sweet.

    I love the tights!

  2. yay Sanko! And I love green tea ice cream, or any sort of ice cream! What a sweet surprise!
    It would be so cute if you did a quilt label with the hedgehogs!

  3. sigh . . . i miss the workroom! (which is not to say that i’m not having an amazing time!)

  4. weeee. it was a happy sunday full of yums. thanks again for meeting up with me, it was lucky to run into michelle!

  5. ooooh… so purty. I have been at a conference in calgary for a couple of days, have barely seen the outside, and I miss my craft time! I’m living vicariously through your blog!

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