Though I didn’t actually get to any gardening on my two glorious days off, we did visit two different nurseries and picked up lots of lovely herbs and plants for the garden. One of the nurseries was Richter’s Herbs, which is becoming a yearly visit for us. Cinnamon Basil, Lime Thyme, Tangerine Sage, and Spice Basil are a few we’re going to try out. They all smell so delicious!

I’m especially intrigued by the Dwarf Pomegranate plant which is apparently the perfect candidate for a bonsai tree and should produce both flowers AND fruit!

I had grand plans of being seriously crafty on my days off, but ended up being deservedly lazy. I really needed the R&R.


  1. wow, those herbs look (and sound)amazing . . . and i love the picture of maisy chillin’ in the backyard. so sweet.

  2. Hi Karen
    It’s been years since I have seen you. I stumbled on your store profile in Stitch magazine and I love love love your blog. You inspired me to spend my long weekend sewing – something that I rarely do these days with 4 kids and two businesses.
    Thanks for spreading the stitching love
    Hugs, Bronwyn

  3. TIP for seamlessly getting the seeds from the pomegranite:

    Tear pomegranite flesh and take seeds off under water! The yellow bits will all float to the top and the seeds will stay at the bottom. This way you avoid stains and can get every last seed.

  4. bronwyn – what a lovely surprise! i’ve heard you’re doing well from maryke. so nice to connect again and hear that you’re sewing too!!

    brookie – thanks for the tip about pomegranate seeds, super useful!

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