We just got back from Paris and amidst doing tons of laundry and trying to get back on track I wanted to post quickly about my favourite dog in the world. Monday was Maisy’s fourth birthday!

I thought I’d share some puppy photos. The top photo is the first photo I ever saw of her, in the background you can see her brothers and her mother’s tail.

I asked Maisy a few questions and here’s what she had to say…

What’s your background?

Maisy : I was born up near Ottawa in a pound near Almonte. My mom was part Collie and part Walker Hound. I never met my dad, so part of me is a mystery. It’s fun to hear what people think I am though. I was the only girl with about four brothers. I wish I knew where they went. I’d love to see them again.

What are some of your favourite things?

Maisy : I really like sandwiches, resting my head on the front window ledge of the shop, raspberries, all my friends at the workroom, running in the park, stuffed animals (especially my new beaver!), sleeping on the couch, lying in the sun, going to Home Hardware, finding something good to eat in the garbage and having a bone in the backyard.

What don’t you like?

Maisy : I really don’t like dogs that wear clothes, strangers who lurk in the doorway, baths, medicine of any kind and all the cats in our neighborhood.

Do you have any favourite tricks that you do?

Maisy : The usual. I’ll shake a paw (left & right), sit and lie down, especially if there are treats involved. I can also high five you with my nose and I know how to close the door when I come in from the backyard. I’m trying to learn to cut fabric, but it’s not that easy!

Now that you’re four years old, what’s next?

Maisy : Things are pretty great. I work customer service and security full time at the workroom, but I’m hoping to cut back on my hours for the summer and spend more time running around the park.


  1. Hi Maisy – It’s Angelune, but I’m relaying a message from Pima. She says she’d really like to make amends and get to know you. Maybe you could have a play date at a park one of these Mondays?
    Similarities: Pima came from a pound where her mom and siblings were, and father is also a mystery. We really wish we knew where the siblings went!
    One thing I love about Maisy and Pima is that they both have really neat markings on their faces. Pima is also a clever girl, but you’ll have to show her how to close doors, she is actually a little afraid of doors since she got her tail caught years ago…
    Here’s the first picture I ever saw of my lil’ Pima.

  2. Happy Birthday Maisy!
    You are such a sweetie and make every trip to the Workroom extra special.

    Karyn – I wish I could have seen your reunion with Maisy when you came to get her Tuesday – Welcome Home!

  3. dear maisy,
    happy birthday to you!
    you are probably one of the sweetest dogs i have ever met. thank you for always greeting me whenever i come in to the shop. i hear you about baths, my doggie rocko isn’t a fan either. why bath when you can run outside in the rain? tru dat.
    cute profile karyn!
    hope you both had a great time in paris!

  4. How lovely!!!
    I’ve been wanting a dog for a while now!….seeing maisy was another reason for my wanting a pet!!!!
    Happy birhtday maisy!

  5. happy birthday Maisy!
    i saw you twice while your human was gone, and you took very good care of the store. i bet you are glad she’s back home!
    Can’t wait to hear about your trip Karyn!

  6. Oh how wonderful! I was so happy to see Maisy as a wee doodle pup. Maisy has touched all of us and I’m so happy to know her. I’m sure she is so pleased that you are home now safe and sound. Welcome back! I can’t wait to see your photos. xo

  7. Happy Birthday Maisy!
    You’re one of my most favourite dogs.
    I miss you bolting from the back of the shop to see what’s going on everytime the door to the Workroom opens.

  8. Happy Birthday Maisy!

    You make my heart swell with joy every time I see you.

    I hope you had a fantastic day!

  9. Oh Maisy, you are brilliant and wonderful. Thanks for sharing a more intimate side of yourself. Helps me understand the more mysterious you! hugs and love from Lisa, Dave and Beatrice(Whom you haven’t met, but would probably love you dear!)

  10. Super cute episode of “Introducing:”!
    My kid LOVES Maisy. According to her, Maisy is a ‘friendly dog” who “lives at the noisy fabric store” and “is friends with Grover”. She constantly retells the story of Maisy “saving” her stuffed Grover when she dropped it on the floor…
    Oh yes, the “quiet fabric store” is DFO!

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