This is the last time I’m going to mention pickpocketing, I promise. Since Les Puces flea market was the scene of my pickpocketing experience many years ago, I have to talk about it one last time. I had just emerged from the Metro with my friend, Elise, into the crowded street when a guy brushed past us and ashed his cigarette onto my coat. He proceeded to apologize in french (Je suis désolé) over and over while brushing the ‘ash’ away. Needless to say when I turned around, my bag was open and my wallet was gone. I did not get to see the flea market that day, instead I visited a Paris police station.

I was nervous to visit again, but definitely felt very prepared with my impenetrable Paris tote and a ‘don’t mess with me’ face. Once we got through the crowded section of discount running shoes and knock off handbags and into the antique section, the atmosphere was instantly less tense and very charming. The market is almost like a shanty town in some parts with eccentric vendors selling all sorts of bric-a-brack and collectibles. Interestingly, we didn’t buy anything but just enjoyed all the eye candy. Besides, our favourite things seemed to be anything large, metal and over 100 pounds.

Les Puces de Saint-Ouen – Porte de Clignancourt Metro station


  1. Wow – je suis si jalouse! Your pictures are so amazing, I can barely imagine how AMAZING this would have been in person. Those fabrics, the type sets… Oooh la la!

  2. i really liked this place too. when we were there the vendors were eating lunch together and singing along while someone played guitar.

  3. oh quelle mauvaise expérience, remplacée cette fois par des moments plus joyeux j’espère
    What a bad memory! Hope it’s gone by now thanks to this new trip in clignancourt?!
    A bientôt

  4. OMG – this flea market looks amazing. I love the wooden(?) dolls, especially the pear doll. Your photos are fantastic and I feel as though I am right there. C’est magnifique!

  5. i love these pics. not visiting the flea markets in paris is my one regret from our recent trip. but, maybe it was a good thing because i would have wanted to take everything with me!

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