After posting about my shibori dress, I’ve been hesitant to post my next projects. I mean, it’s going to be hard to top that. BTW – Thank you for your super enthusiastic comments about the dress, I’m glad you like it too!

Yesterday, I got yet another Japanese dress book in the mail. I can never take a peek at Pomadour’s etsy shop without buying myself a book or two. Some people might call this an addiction.

The title of this book is Happy Homemade Vol. 1. I was especially hooked when I saw that there was a pattern for a cardigan. I don’t knit, so making my own cardigan sounds pretty exciting.

Since we also just got in the new nani IRO collection, I think you’ll be seeing one of these cute tops sewn up very soon.

p.s. A couple weeks ago was my one year blogiversary. I haven’t done anything to celebrate, but I’m going to add a few new ‘features’ to the blog very soon. Thank you for hanging around with me this year!


  1. aaaaah! I love this, especially the yellow blouse. I think I’ll have to sign up for the class. I love my books, but I haven’t had the courage to try anything yet.

  2. Inspired by your post of the blue shibori dress, I went to Kinokuniya and bought two japanese pattern books. I think I’ve sewn long enough to be able to muddle through without instructions, in fact I think it’ll be an interesting and fun challenge.

    Now I’m just wondering if the patterns will come anywhere near fitting my middle-aged, not-so-thin 5’4″ self. Well, at least maybe I’ll be able to find inspiration. For right now, I’m looking forward to finding the time to spread the patterns out all over my studio floor!

  3. Wow–I just bought that same book at a Japanese shopping center near Chicago! Your blog is inspiring me to give it a try. Some of the shirt patterns seem fairly simple, so I think I’ll start with one of them and see how it goes. I can’t wait to see what you make!

  4. Just wondering, did you ever end up making the cardigan? I’d love to see what it looked like – I love cardis as well but don’t knit so I’ve been looking around for a decent cardi pattern to sew. So far no luck, but what you mentioned sounded like it had promise.

  5. Hello
    I found thoses books in a portuguese Blog. I’m new in this things.. I wuold like to know is the books are translate in english?Because japonese is not my language?!!!

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