This week’s postings were rudely interrupted by some technical difficulties with my server. Things appear to be back up and running for the moment. Fingers crossed.

Friday seems like a good day to catch you up on a few more of my Twitter links.

  • Selvedge has opened a shop. CUTE. love the girls in Liberty dresses!
  • i’m starting to love the idea of whole cloth quilts… but with a map hand quilted into it? amazing.

These photos were taken on Brock of a couple posters that were transformed by all the rain we’ve been having. Pretty.

I hope you have a super weekend, I have plans to eat Chippy’s and play some new fangled version of Frisbee in the park tonight with some dear friends and Maisy.


  1. I would stay away from Chippy’s on Queen. I know things about that place that make me refuse to go back.

  2. the parcel bags look amazing! I want one too! I like the wash bag the best!
    I am sort of doing something like that for the back of the quilt I am working on now!!! So cool!

  3. Makes me feel like I don’t use the internet properly, looking at your blog. I don’t know how u find such interesting bits and bobs. The map quilt… I want one. I’m thinking Amsterdam… with the canals and ring roads… money.

  4. yeah, the map quilts are basically the best thing EVER. I shared that link, and any other crafts I find that involves maps with one of the cartographers at work and she loves it! she loved my birdie bag with map fabric.
    I would also like to make kettle corn.
    Have fun in the park!

  5. I would like to get my hands on Selvedge Magazine! They only sell it in BC, NS and Manitoba, what can you do for me Karyn? I too would like to know where you find these wonderful bits of creativeness…I particularly loved the wedding in the last Misc…the circus themed one. It was just visual candy to me. Have a good weekend. Is it Ultimate Frisbee or Golf Frisbee you will be partaking in?

  6. Hey Karyn! Thanks for calling my blog dreamy, yours is dreamy too (all those Japanese dress books)! Will be stopping by the workroom someday soon…

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