We’ve been having so much rain that mushrooms are popping up all over the place. These little cuties have appeared in the hanging baskets in my backyard.

  • definitely going here, the next time i’m in brooklyn. i love the term ‘apothecary chic’ (via Refinery 29)
  • lizzie allen’s hand screened printed wallpaper, the london collection (via Notcot)


  1. I have a ton of mushrooms popping up where my tomatoes are growing! new ones everyday!
    Can’t wait for the coco movie!
    these are all such fun links! thanks karyn!

  2. Thanks for putting all these links together! I have many scraps of paper round my apartment with random web addresses on them of things I’ve picked up from various tweets, magazines and recommendations…then I lose them, or get sick of the mess and throw them out. So this is perfect for me!

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