Liberty of London Summer Challenge : Project 6
Stylish Dress Book : Dress “S” in Zain Liberty of London Tana Lawn

If you have a sharp eye, you’ll catch that I’ve done this dress before. It’s not often that I repeat a pattern, but I have fallen in love with this style. My “Little Stars” version has become one of my easy favourites. It is perfect for dressy nights out and comfortable to wear every day.

Your sharp eye might also catch that I’ve used the Zain Liberty fabric already, for my camera strap. I thought it would be great to make a ‘black-ish’ dress to transition to fall that I could wear with tights when the weather got colder. I love how some of these Liberty of London prints seem so wild and crazy up close, but from far away read as quite sophisticated.

The dress exactly is pretty much exactly the same as the other one. I didn’t end up taking the sides in at all, so the skirt is slightly more full. I like this. I also repeated my modification of adding several lines of shirring just above the waistline. It’s like wearing an invisible belt. I feel shapely without feeling restricted.

Keep your eye out for at least one more version of this pattern, I’ve decided it will make a great top with some minor modifications.

Stylish Dress Book 'S' - Again

Stylish Dress Book 'S' - Again


  1. This dress is so lovely and you are so right about those Liberty prints, once the dress is finished you always get more than you expected.
    Maybe we could say the same thing about japanese patterns, in the end they look more sophisticated than you tought.
    specially with nice fabrics like Liberty !

  2. Gorgeous dress! I aspire to sewing with some Liberty fabric one day. I agree about the Liberty print patterns…up close (as I view them online, shopping) they are a little out there (but loveable). I appreciate seeing them used in real life as it shows their true potential. Thank you for posting.

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