My Desk/Dining Room Table

I was tagged by Constança to show my desk, which also happens to be my dining room table. At the end of each night (or so) I clear the table off until my next sewing session. This is probably best, because I would have one of those desks that was full of piles and overly messy.

I took these photos over the course of a weekend, so you can see me jump from project to project.

Photo 1 : Working on a plaid cotton quilt top for a Christmas gift, eating Coconut Liberte Yogourt and drinking hot chocolate
Photo 2 : Drafting a shoo-fly block for another new quilt using my French General jelly roll
Photo 3 : Adding the Mokuba trim to my new blue tunic
Photo 4 : Checking out flickr with my new Shinzi Katoh agenda and drinking hot chocolate (drinking hot chocolate seems to be mandatory when working, I am drinking some right now)

I’m usually the worst person to tag for these things, but I was determined to get my act together for this one. The three people whose desks I’d like to see are – Lauren, Ayalah & Rosalyn. You are meant to show your desk/working space as it is, without any editing or styling and then tag three more people. If anyone else out there wants to play along, just post a link here to a photo of your desk. (the messier the better!)

I hope you have a lovely weekend, friends. I’m making great progress with my holiday gift making. I won’t be able to tell you about a lot of it until after Christmas, but I’ve got a few projects that should be ‘safe’ to share with you.

My Desk/Dining Room Table

My Desk/Dining Room Table

My Desk/Dining Room Table


  1. It’s always fun to see what people’s work spaces look like! I’ll try to remember to make a blog post about my desk in the next day or so, and I’ll send you a link!
    I love your sweet little needle book! Is that from one of the trunk shows?

  2. I’m so glad to see your work table! I don’t usually like these memes but I thought this one was actually interesting.

    Now I have confession to make: my work table is also my dining room table… but I don’t clear it at the end of the day! We usually have dinner on the sofa. I know it’s an awful thing to do but we do it… I have a very forgiving husband! 🙂

  3. Thanks for tagging me Karyn! I will definitely post photos of my desk/work space in the next few days. Today is it un-naturally clear as are having friends over so I will be sure to take a photos when it is in its normal chaotic state!

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