365 : 9

365 : 9

365 : first intro to hand work class

It’s always a thrill for me to take a new class in my own shop. The Intro to Hand Work class started on Saturday. Already I’ve learned lots and I’m eager to get working on piecing my sawtooth star together. Sitting around chatting, drinking tea, marking & cutting out fabrics is the loveliest way to spend a sunny, winter afternoon.


  1. Lovely. I am breaking out my machine next weekend. No ifs of buts. Time to nail this sewing thing. 🙂 It’s been 2 years since I bought it!

  2. karyn:
    i’ve been following your blog for awhile and love it. i tend towards being a lurker, but a question has arisen! i’m currently living in rural romania, serving with my husband, as a US Peace Corps volunteer. i’m super interested in learning to hand-piece and quilt as a sewing machine ain’t in my budget over here. do you know of any good online directions for hand-piecing? i’ve found plenty of instructions for quilting by hand. any advice is appreciated!! happy blogging (& 365-ing)!

  3. Carolanne is a lovely and talented woman. i can’t wait to see the finished products from her class! Alas, I live well outside the GTA and will have to watch from afar.

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