365 : 18
365 : blurry me
I’ve been reading photography blogs and hope to put a few new technical tricks up my sleeve in the next 343 days. The blurriness is not one of these tricks, it just happened. Sometimes it’s nice when things are not completely in focus.
Lovely. Can you share what blogs your visiting. I wanna add some to reading. 🙂
Yikes, where’s the edit button when you need one? Talk about bad spelling/grammar. Forgive me, it’s early. :/
It is great!
I have this wonderful portrait of my 6 year old (at 5) where he turned around and has the most handsome look and expression. It is a bit blurry, but the sweetness is there. And I can see how lovely it is through the lack of focus. There are no mistakes in photography; just artistic impressions.
I want a kiss.
yes! do share the photography blogs you have been reading!