365 : 29

365 : 29

365 : katrina sewing with heart bokeh

I’m trying to be more experimental with my photography. Here’s a technique I haven’t quite mastered, but I actually love the weird blurry results I’ve gotten so far. Bokeh is the “way the lens renders out of focus points of light“. I had seen a tutorial on how to make different shaped bokeh and finally decided to try it out with a heart shape. I think this would work much better using a lens with a bigger aperture than the one I currently have. I’m having lots of fun playing around with it though.

One of these days, I hope to get something more like this with my heart bokeh photos. So pretty!

I’m also thinking about a new lens for my camera… 50mm 1.8 or a 35mm 2.0. I would also love to have a macro lens. What lenses are you using and loving?


  1. i bought my nikkor 35mm 1.8 about 6 months ago and love it. it’s been permanently attached since i’ve bought it. i’ll bring it by sometime if you want to see how it looks and feels.

  2. I do not have a funky, cool digital LSR like you (I want one though) so I’m no help there!

    I just wanted to say thank you for offering The Workroom to us (Toronto Modern Quilt Guild) for our meetings! I had a nice time yesterday and I think it’s going to be fun to have the meetings at the store. You should definitely think about joining us for some of the meetings if you can!

    Oh, also, I asked you about the cross-stitch pendants yesterday, but then completely forgot to ask you if you would be getting anymore in. Will you?

  3. yay for bokeh! i attempted to make one but need to do a few adjustments! can’t wait until mine works!
    i was using my 50 mm manual focus but am now appreciating the stock lens my camera came with! i would really love to have a macro lens!

  4. That’s lovely – what a great idea. 🙂

    If you are shooting with a Canon I recommend the 35mm 1.4 or 50mm 1.2 (both absolutely gorgeous lenses – bokeh like butter – but a tad on the pricey side unfortunately)

  5. For the money, the 50mm 1.8 prime seems to be so worth it. I (sadly) haven’t bought it yet, but my coworker did and he loves it. Where it really excels is is low-light. Definitely my next purchase… one day!

  6. oooh this is great karyn!

    i shoot with pentax and i have a 50mm 1.4 prime for low light and portrait and a 50mm macro 2.8 for my product shots! it’s definitely worth it to invest in a 50mm prime lens. the bokeh is amazing. i will definitely try out this tutorial. i wondered how people were getting heart-shaped bokeh in their work. diamonds are another fun possibility…

  7. Thanks for this post Karyn; it’s a neat idea! I don’t think my lenses are going to work though, but I might give it a try anyway. I have a Tamron 90mm macro which was less expensive but still works well. I recommend it as an alternative to a Nikon or Canon lens which is more pricey.
    I’m really enjoying your photo posts; they’re great!

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