Grey Bamboo Knit with Mokuba Elastic

I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to show you my new homemade underwear. I have been collecting pretty elastic trims from Mokuba in anticipation of creating a new collection of cute undies for myself. These two pairs were made using the same patterns we use in the Underwear class. They are the most comfortable underwear I own. Not only because the fit is amazing but because this organic knit bamboo is so soft and lovely.

Making these two pairs hardly depleted my trim stash, so next up I want to knock off some undies I already own and create my own patterns. Next Monday I hope to schedule in a whole day just devoted to this project.

Amy of Angry Chicken is all about making her own underwear too, so I’m not the only one!

Grey Bamboo Knit with Mokuba Trim

Elastic Trims


  1. that is too funny, I was just mentioning to someone yesterday that I wanted to try making my own undies from bamboo! They are super cute and I love the trim. Now I just need to find a place in Vancouver with lovely trim. Hmmm….any suggestions out there?

  2. how great! I’ve been following angry chicken’s undies too.
    I have bamboo socks and they are very silky, soft.
    Your collection of trims is making me drool – so pretty.

  3. Yes, add this to the list of classes I *need* to take.
    I really like the pattern that you’re using because there’s no crotch seam! Awesome! I don’t even need the fancy ruffles.
    Where do you purchase bamboo knits in Toronto?

  4. Oooh, I really want to try to make my own undies too! Any suggestions on a good pattern? I’m not close enough to take your class I’m afraid:(

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