Misc. 8

It’s been ages since I’ve posted up some fun links for you. In fact, I had so many that I’ve split them into two posts, one for today and one for Monday. Perfect way to end and start the week.

These are a few more images from my experiments with heart bokeh. They are very moody. I can’t wait to get my hands on the proper lens to do this right.

Misc. 8

Misc. 8

Misc. Eight


  1. Thanks for the links the other day about the heart bokeh – I’m smitten. And I love these pics you’ve shared, too! Oh, and I think the honey cranberry bread will be gobbled up at our house this weekend. 🙂 Thanks!

  2. Is that what bokeh is? Hilarious – I’ve been wanting to do a series of photos of what I see when I’m not wearing my glasses. Little did I know that it’s been done, and has a name!
    For the record, my “natural” bokeh is not hearts, more like flares.
    Also, where do you get blender pens – they sound awesome!

  3. I did some katazome when I was in Japan a few years ago!

    The special paper that you use for the stencils has the most distinctive and (I think) wonderful smell! Unlike anything I have ever smelled before… I still have some and anytime I pull it out from storage the scent instantly triggers my memories of that trip!

    You should definitely look into it… such a cool technique!

  4. that cranberry bread looks super good, but i thought you might also enjoy this fun use for cranberries. i made these this past holiday season and think they’d be perfect for valentine’s day too. just used floral wire and strung the berries then twisted the wire into shape. the one inside a friend’s house is drying nicely, but the one’s outside got lots of spaces between as they aged… or maybe the birds were enjoying them! i hope you like them!

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