365 : 95

365 : 95

April 5, 2010 of 365 : night time at the workroom

When the lights go out just before I go home at night, this is what the workroom looks like. I love the blue glow off the little neon sign and the street car zooming by.

I’m catching up with posting my 365 photos from April. This month has thrown me for a loop! Rather than continue to post every single photo here, I’m going to start posting just my favourites to the blog. You’ll still be able to follow all the photos on flickr. I want to get back to posting more crafty stuff.


  1. Really love this picture Karyn! I’m bummed that I couldn’t make it out yesterday for the trunk show – I’m just finishing up one last paper that is due tomorrow and got a little bogged down. I hope it was a great success and that everyone had a wonderful time!

  2. hey karyn! i love this picture! i love the blue of the light and the red of the streetcar together.

    ps: for some reason i thought the 18th is next week. ARGH. i cannot believe i missed the trunk show because of a simple calendar mistake!!! i hope it went well and am looking forward to pictures.

  3. This is a really beautiful shot, Karyn. There’s something magical feeling about this: I keep looking at it expecting to see little craft gnomes scurry across the table.

  4. kaye – thanks! the trunk show was really great. i’ll post my photos tonight. i hope your paper went well and hopefully you can make it to the next one!

    special scout – i wish you could visit too. hopefully one day!

    melissa – oh no! there will always be another trunk show. i got a lot of nice photos and got to play around with my new camera.

    katherine – i KNOW there are little craft gnomes, but i have yet to catch them in action. that used to be my favourite daydream as a kid, finding little people!

  5. As much as I’ve enjoyed your photography (and this shot is great and atmospheric) Im happy we will be seeing more sewing skills again on your blog because you always have something impressive and inspiring to show! All the best x

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