Button Down Vest

It goes with the territory of crafting to have a pile of projects that haven’t quite made it to the ‘finished’ line. I’ve decided to make an online pledge to finish up this list of eight projects in the very near future. These are by no means all of my unfinished projects, but these are the ones I can realistically get done pronto. Some of them are so close to being finished, it’s kind of ridiculous. If any of you need a little nudge to finish off even just one little project from your list, feel free to leave a comment publicly stating your finishing goal. Finishing off some old projects means feeling even better about starting new ones!

  • plaid button down vest – COMPLETE!
  • my mom’s birdie sling bag (2009 christmas gift) – FINISHED!
  • Liberty of London dress shirt
  • dress ‘S’ from Stylish Dress Book
  • cardigan ‘J’ from Happy Homemade
  • hidden tab curtains for the living room
  • my buzz saw quilt – COMPLETE WITH LABEL!
  • a new fabric bucket with linen & japanese fabric

Happy Homemade Vol. 1


  1. What a fun list to finish!! I had 6 different baby present type projects that needed completing months ago and an upcoming vacation deadline kicked my butt into gear and I’ve got 4 projects down and 2 to go! When I get back from my vacay I start all over with a new list of projects to leave undone for months and months and months!

    Good luck Karyn!

  2. I’ve got a loop scarf that just needs to be grafted. bah, I could have worn it in the winter, but i just need to get it done to be ready for fall!

  3. Oh, oh, oh! I have so many, and it seems right to list them here and join the fun. My finishing list includes: ‘Eye for an Eyelet’ cardi from Twinkle Sews; t-shirt from the workroom’s t-shirt class (oops); buzz saw quilt; and my patchwork bath mat.

    In the spirit of your post, though, I also have to admit that these projects don’t even scratch the surface …

  4. Oh, wow. hmmm shall i admit these things in public? I have to finish my Kasia Skirt (Burdastyle pattern); Nani Iro tunic; sleeve and bottom hem of t-shirt from the T-shirt Class; linen/cotton quilt…

    Now I just need time, and a table!

  5. (Another Tasha, posting on the same day in the same hour = weird!)

    Ok, so, that skirt pattern drafting class we took last summer? I still haven’t finished the skirt and I have about 10 minutes of sewing to do. Problem is, now I can’t remember what/how to do what it is I need to do. Kristiann and I will be putting in an appearance at the workroom sometime in the next couple weeks, cause I need to get that thing done.

  6. I have never finished the undies I started in the underwear making class… I’m kind of afraid!
    When I finished a big quilt project recently, I felt like it gave me permission to start as many projects as I wanted! And I have! I have so many projects on the go that I don’t want to list them. First off is the double wedding ring quilt I’m working on for the class, so that is my priority right now. Then, dresses!

  7. dawn – glad to hear you’re also finishing off some projects. what new projects will you be starting?

    kenzie419 – the cardigan on the list is wool. i won’t be able to wear it now, but i want it done, so that as soon as the cold hits again i can wear it right away! good luck with your scarf!

    katherine – this list is just a fraction of the things that need finishing, but i didn’t want to discourage myself too much. patchwork bathmat? that sounds really great – is it a pattern from somewhere?

    marlene – thanks, good luck to you too!

    tasha #1 – nani iro top?! you should finish that one right away. i want to see it!

    tasha #2 – i can help you as well, if you bring it in to finish it off.

    angelune – it’s easy to finish off the underwear. just bring them in, it should just take a few minutes. i can feel myself wanting to start a million projects right now, so i thought this list would help slow me down and focus on finishing rather than ‘starting’, at least for a couple weeks.

  8. Your blog is so inspiring even though I have yet to start, let alone finish a crafty project, sigh. Where do you find your gorgeous Japanese pattern books? They look lovely, and perhaps if I found some I may be further inspired to start a project.

  9. this sounds awesome! it feels soo good to finish what you started, esp. those that are sooo close to the end! i like your list, u’ll get it done in no time!

  10. What does a buzz saw quilt look like?

    Alright so I just googled the term and saw a picture of the pattern. What colours are you using for yours?


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