1. How lucky you are to work with Liberty Fabrics! And I wish I could get a little sampler like you!
    Have fun with the fabrics! I just made 2 top with Liberty fabrics and I get wait to get some more.

  2. Wow! Karyn those are fabulous! Great picks! (my favourite is the Mauvey.) I just bought “Sew Serendipity” (by Kay Whitt) and any/all of these fabrics would be amazing for the patterns!!!

  3. Oh! Oh! I can already see Mauvey lining a new autumn jacket (made from a pattern this time!).
    Let us know when it comes in…

  4. If I had that swatch book I would never stop flipping through it… might even carry it around with me so I could look at it everywhere 🙂

    I’m loving Ebs, though I tend to go for the more traditional-looking Liberty prints. I would love to have a top or dress in this fabric!

  5. firstly – they ARRIVED!!! and they are so much lovelier on the bolt. i’ll take and post some beauty shots soon. sigh.

    Amanda – i know, the orange palette totally caught my eye. i tried to be more diverse with my colour selections, but orange won!

    Sylvie – oh, how i wish that sample book was mine. i had to give it back! and liberty is my favourite fabric to wear. it feels amazing!

    Andree – it’s true, these fabrics inspire. i don’t know which one to start with!

    Katie – i imagine that last print as a cute blouse of some sort.

    Kelly – i’ll have to look up that book. the mauvey fabrics is yummy raisin and grey shades. it would look great on you.

    carmen – i can’t help it!

    charlotte – brilliant idea. i used liberty to line a coat before. made me so happy to wear that coat.

    celine – you have to see it in person. roz was jumping up and down when she saw it.

    jennifer – ebs, is even better in a large piece. it will definitely be a dress for me.

  6. I had my mum bring over some mauvey from London at Christmas time (we don’t get much selection of Liberty fabric here in NZ). You have great taste

  7. i am so jealous you get to flip through that sampler. how inspiring. you’re choices are fantastic! i wish i lived closer so i could come see them in person…or that you had a mail order store…
    so beautiful.

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