the workroom... in the beginning

This week marks the three year anniversary for the workroom!! I can’t believe how time flies. I thought I’d share some photos from when I first got the keys to 1340 Queen Street West. How strange to see the space so empty, when now it is so full! The entire space got a painting makeover, as you can see. Somehow, I just couldn’t live with the navy blue ceiling or burgandy store front!

I honestly can’t imagine doing anything else and I feel really lucky to be a part of your lives. Thank you for making the workroom more vibrant than I could have ever imagined it to be!

Tuesday night we had our annual anniversary party at the shop. What fun to see so many of you come out to celebrate! I gave away some prizes that night, including a lovely prize from Soak. Thank you, Jacqueline for the awesome donation.

For those of you who were not able to attend, I wanted to do a giveaway here on the blog. I’ve got two $50 class gift cards to raffle off!! To enter, simply leave a comment on this post sharing a memory you might have of the workroom…. the first time you discovered us, your first class, your favourite thing you made/purchased here… The contest will close Sunday October 17, midnight (EST). This giveaway is for anyone in the Toronto area who would be able to attend a class at the workroom, the gift cards will have no cash value. Anyone who won a prize at the party on Tuesday, is not eligible to win again. (just to be fair!) I will draw two names randomly on Monday and announce the winners.

Thank you for the craftiest three years ever! xoxo

the workroom... in the beginning

the workroom... in the beginning


  1. Hi Karyn, Happy Anniversary! I wish I’d been there to celebrate with all of you this year but I wanted to say how much I’ve loved my visits to the Workroom over the last 3 years…many happy memories and crafts have been made there! I’d have a hard time choosing my fave finished crafty thing I’ve learned to make…but perhaps the sock monkey sitting on the couch in our livingroom gets my top vote! Cheers!

  2. I’ve taken a number of classes with my friends. Whenever I look at the things I’ve made, I think of my awesome friends (instead of my wonky stitching).

  3. Happy Anniversary Workroom! I’m sorry I missed the party! My first class at the workroom was in May 2009, Sewing Essentials, and it changed my life! haha, okay maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but I never touched a sewing machine before that class….flash forward…now I own my own Bernina (also from the workroom) and piles of fabric waiting to be transformed, AND I can read Japanese! Just kidding, but I can figure out (thanks to the class with Karyn) a Japanese dress book pattern….I’ve met so many lovely people there and always look forward to popping by….

  4. Making art cards and having coconut cupcakes! I always leave The Workroom with the warm and fuzzies. Congrats on making it this far and for being an important fixture of the community!

  5. I’ve only been to the workroom one time (I live 1 hour outside of Toronto) and bought some lovely fabric I incorporated into some gifts. I’d love to come into the city to take some classes now that my sister lives in Toronto!

  6. i have so many good memories of the workroom, but the earliest may be this one: arriving at the store with a friend and her brand-spanking-new daughter after a harrowing Dufferin bus ride in wintry late afternoon darkness; baby hot and miserable, grown-ups snow-covered and equally so. minutes later: little girl sleeping peacefully, big girls blissed out, thrilled by all the gorgeous fabrics and the possibilities they hold. congrats, karyn, for creating the most amazing community over the past three years, and thank you.

  7. Karyn,

    Congratulations on three fantastic years!
    I was out of town, and so disappointed that I couldn’t make it!
    One of my favorite memories of the workroom was the sewing essentials class. I’d been given my grandma’s old sewing machine and wanted to make sure that I knew how to use it properly. By the end of the class, I felt so confident with my new skills, that I ran home and made a few more envelope pillow cases! haha!
    Thanks for everything, and here’s to many more years.

  8. The workroom was the first fabric store I found when I moved to Toronto a few years ago. Everything I have bought there has been of great quality. I haven’t been able to go to a class yet, but I really want to so the gift card would be great!
    Thanks for the giveaway

  9. Happy Anniversary!

    I took the Sewing Machine Essentials class – it’s where I learned to sew! I’d been wanting to be able to sew for a while, but sewing machines just looked a little complicated. Now I’ve sewn several bags and even a few pieces of clothing. But it all started at The Workroom!

  10. Congratulations on 3 years! I haven’t taken any classes (yet) but I really want to. I’m still a very beginner but want to learn so much more. I hope to be able to make it to a class soon, but I have made a few fabric purchases. I love the fabrics you bring in.

  11. One of friends had told me about the workroom and I remember the first time I stepped foot in the store to sign for my first class. My friend had sign up for a few classes and I had forgotten that she was doing a class that Saturday I came into the store. I was surprised to see her there just as she was. It was a cool first experience of the store.

  12. I think my favorite thing at the Workroom – besides all the lovely company I get to keep there – is the AHA! moment I have in every class. I love the moment where everything just clicks and I get it and then suddenly I have a new skill or a new something-something!

    On an unrelated note… those Japanese bag pattern books? *swoon* Debbie told me about the Kids one too… I think I’ll have to finally take the Japanese Dress course, but make a dress for my girls!

  13. Wow three years already!

    I love looking into the brightly lit shop window when it is cold and dark outside. Everyone is always having a blast working on the new skills they are learning in one of your many classes. The space looks so warm and inviting on those cold, dark nights.

  14. Karyn, you’ve brought a real gem to Toronto. Thanks to you (and The Workroom company) I’m not such a sewing-phobe anymore. Best memory was taking the Sewing Essentials class with my good friend Angela. I left that class feeling like I do could anything with a sewing machine 🙂 That’s not exactly the case (I still need to take more of your fantastic classes), but you know what I mean 🙂 xoxo

  15. Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy you decided to open this amazing wonderful place and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate on Tuesday! I remember when someone first told me they had found a place downtown that you could make your own buttons at (as a button lover I had to check it out) I was hooked from the second I saw the store front! Every time I walk in I think I’m a bit overwhelmed with choices and creativity! I’m sad that I don’t get to visit as often as I once did, but definitely need to make a stop sometime before Christmas!

  16. Happy 3rd Anniversary Karyn! the workroom is such a collaborative place to create and I’m inspired every time I visit. The first time I ventured in (after months of lurking on this blog), you instantly noticed my tote bag and started checking it out. I remember feeling embarrassed (of my shoddy stitching) yet somehow welcomed into a community of crafters. And every time I get a new class schedule, I’m inspired all over again. Wishing you many more years of making!

  17. Congratulations on your third anniversary! I’ve only been to the Workroom a couple of times (met a cute dog while I was there) and I signed up for my first class the last time I was there — Sewn Men’s Tie. I totally LOVE the fabrics you have. And I love your blog, it’s very inspiring.

  18. Happy Anniversary Karyn & the Workroom! One of my favourite things I made at the Workroom has definitely been zippered pouches! I love taking pretty fabric and making it into something functional and handy for daily use! I took the class with my cousin and enjoyed spending time in a warm, inviting and creative atmosphere. Here’s to more anniversary celebrations. Cheers!

  19. Happy Leather Anniversary Karyn! I love the workroom – it’s one of my favourite Toronto spots!

    I’ve been lucky enough to take a small selection of the classes. My first class was the birdie sling bag. I was so happy to learn how to sew something. I still make the bags 🙂

    But my favourite memory is the quilting class when Kyle and I showed up late because we just gotten engaged!

  20. Yay, happy anniversary Karyn – I’m still sad I didn’t make it to the party!

    I remember the first time I visited the shop. Alex and I decided that we would each go to one place we hadn’t been, but wanted to, together. He chose Wilson’s (a fly fishing store) and I chose The Workroom! I can’t remember why but the streetcar was diverting on to Shaw so we walked the rest of the way. I fell in love with the store as soon as I entered and spent a lot of time picking out fabric for a bag (which I never ended up making but I’ve used the fabric anyway).

    I think my clearest memory (probably because it was only a few months ago) is of hosting my first TMQG meeting as President; I was so nervous! But everything went well. I’d like to thank you again for letting us have our meetings there, it’s just lovely and I think the ladies enjoy sitting around the cutting table chatting once a month 😉

  21. Happy anniversary to The Workroom! It has become one of my favourite places in Toronto. I first heard of the shop online and got so excited to find out that this amazing crafty space was so close by! Karyn, you have a created a haven of inspiration and I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn so many new sewing skills at the shop.

  22. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    I don’t think I only have one best memory, I think the best thing is the feeling I get in anticipation of walking into your shop. I get the crafty tingly feeling that’s just so inspiring. I can’t wait to visit soon!

  23. Oh my, the first time I walked into the Workroom, I was passing by and something caught my eye… a class. I walked in and thought hmmm… a few hours away from the boy – AWESOME. So, I signed up for the Sewing Essentials class to re-familiarize myself with the machine. That’s when I got hooked! Now I have to sneak out of the house and make excuses to drop by! The Workroom has indeed changed my life – corny I know but it’s absolutely TRUE! Happy Birthday!

  24. I think i was there during the day of your party this week! I have a lot of memories of your beautiful store, but i have to admit i love now introducing my baby boy to your store and goodies. He has so many clothes (hats and overalls mainly) from your amazing fabric selection. I remember one day when he was playing with his squeaky Sophie the giraffe toy, and your dog came running over because she thought it was her toy. Too cute! Clem’s face is perfectly in line with wet dog kisses!

  25. I took the Sewing Essentials class in 2007, during my second maternity leave. I’ve been sewing ever since and lurk on this blog for daily inspiration! My favourite part of the class was meeting another new parent – a Dad – who wanted to learn to sew so that he could make halloween costumes for his newborn child & do some DIY projects around the house. (My goals were so modest at the time – a table cloth or napkin for Xmas anyone?) He inspired me & as a result my children’s room is full of creations I couldn’t have pulled off without my Workroom skills: wee Japanese girly dresses, Amy Butler window shades, a duvet cover…

  26. My favourite item made from Workroom supplies is definitely my Birdie Sling… and choosing the fabrics was a (long) totally enjoyable process. I’m a bit indecisive when faced with a zillion incredible options, but have been so happy with the fabrics I chose. Also, when I more recently brought in my youngest son, he was delighted by all the colours. And, of course, the dog.

    Congratulations on your anniversary.

  27. Congratulations. I remember when you opened. We, if I can speak for the entire east end of T.O. were excited to hear about your opening. My first visit, I have to say I was overwhelmed but the amount of great fabric. Dangerous, dangerous store you have.

    Best wishes,


  28. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!
    I remember finding your website first, during one of my many “research journeys” that one can get into on the Internet. I was oompletely mesmerized by your blog, especially the Japanese pattern books. I loved the energy of what you were doing, making and photographing. It struck a deep cord. I finally bit the bullet and signed up for my first course, Sewing Essentials, then took the great leap into Japanese dress patterns. I love the vibe of the store, and the communal nature of the course. Karen, you’re so willing to share your knowlegde, and that is a gift. Through your blog, site, shop and courses, I discovered a real passion. I love my sewing machine like never before, and more than that I love MAKING SOMETHING! Thank you.

  29. I’ve been admiring your work and blog from afar all with the intent of taking a class one day. I love your fabrics and was so lucky to receive a little piece of goodness from your shop in a quilt that my cousin made for my daughter. Congratulations! Thanks for being so inspiring!

  30. I remember stumbling across the Workroom somewhere online over 2 years ago and thinking, “I have to go by there one day.” The very next day a good friend said “I rode by this amazing looking place on my bike and thought about you right away. It’s on Queen near Brock and it’s called The Workroom.”
    Thanks so much Karyn for the oasis you created.

  31. Hmmm…. has it already been 3 years? I guess my first encounter with The Workroom and Karyn was very early on as I live in the hood and discovered it on the way. I remember the older sewing machines (before the Bernina Sewing machines) I have felt a sense of community and knowing everyone at The Workroom. If it’s to stop by and look at fabric or participating in a Trunk Show, i’ve always felt welcomed. Congrats again.


  32. I have many great memories of browsing through all the beautiful fabrics and books while waiting for my husband to finish work (he works a few doors down from the Workroom). The Workroom has provided the “perfect” fabric for certain projects on more than one occasion! Congrats on three crafty years 🙂

  33. Hi Karyn
    Happy Birthday to the workroom!
    Sorry I wasn’t able to make it to the party. I’ve no doubt it was fab.
    And thanks for posting those “Before” pics of the space.
    Eegad you certainly improved on that burgandy exterior!
    See you soon

  34. Congratulations Karen and everyone at the Workroom for 3 great years! I can remember when I first found out about your store and how excited I was. I had been trying to find more modern prints, along the lines of Denyse Schmidt, but wasn’t finding much luck with stores in the city or even in Ontario. I had found the PURL (NY) website online and wished we had something similar here in Toronto…and it was a short time later that I heard about your store. I was thrilled! You carry such lovely products, hold inspirational classes and offer such warm and friendly customer service. We are so lucky to have you! Thanks!

  35. Congrats! I found the workroom when browsing for classes on how to make your own printed fabric. I’m now addicted to this blog and I am constantly inspired by the projects you take on. As a new sewer, it really motivates me to see the kinds of things I can make once I improve my skills.

  36. I love The Workroom! It is one of my fave hangouts in Toronto and I am so sorry that I couldn’t attend the party–I’m out of town at the minute, but can’t wait to take more classes when I’m back. 🙂 I have so many fave Workroom moments…but best moment was when I was on the waiting list for the mens’ tie class but the day came and no call for a last minute opening. I was hanging around the store looking at stuff as I love to do while the tie class was just getting started and a call came in with a cancellation…I was just in time for the class that I’d wanted to take for months. 🙂

  37. Congratulations Karyn!
    I remember the first time I walked by The Workroom and thought what a fantastic idea it was. Every time I go in or take a class, I’m so inspired by all the beautiful fabrics and books and amazing work that everyone is doing. Happy 3rd Anniversary!

  38. Yay for 3 years! I’m very happy to have moved to the Parkdale area 1.5 years ago and The Workroom is one of the highlights of living here! I recently took the A-Line Skirt class and my best memory is the first session when cutting out my fabric and preparing my material I realized that it was a very meditative and relaxing experience! The Workroom is also a very cozy place to be and a great place to meet new people.

  39. Congratulations Karyn!
    I am sorry that I could night make it to the anniversary party.
    My first viist to The Workroom was in Sumer 2008 when I purchased Amy Butler’s Weekender Bag pattern and a couple of meters of fabric (a lovely pink and black flower Tina Givens print and a Joel Dewberry print . . . odd that I can recall that. . . ). Anyhow I was completely smitten with your shop and I have been visting regularly ever since.
    You have a wonderful group of people working with you and the classes offered at The Workroom never disappoint.
    I wish you continued success and many many more ‘Happy Anniversary’s’

  40. Wow, 3 yrs! Happy Anniversary Karyn.
    I really wanted to make it to the Anniversary party but I had to work 🙁
    I feel very fortunate to now have many great experiences and memories of hanging out at The Workroom as a student and teacher. One of my favorites was teaching my first Cube class. The students were amazing. So keen and excited to be learning a new skill. Do you remember the lovely boxes two of the gals put together for all of us for our final class? Mine said “Congratulations Erin on teaching your first class.” It was filled with a delicious home made chocolate treat! I was so touched. Thanks for including me in your lovely little community of craft. I thoroughly enjoy every minute I am there!

  41. I follow this blog religiously 🙂 In the time I’ve discovered it I come back daily to check for a new post! I forward on things I see here. And I frequently save photos to a little inspiration folder I keep for myself called ‘Things I Really Love’.

    I can’t pinpoint any exact memory… but I’m in great appreciation of your point of view Karyn – thank you for doing what you do and sharing what you love. You’re an inspiration!

  42. Happy anniversary!

    My favourite thing about The Workroom is how INSPIRING it is! Between the beautiful fabrics, the well-curated books and the people, it is exactly what a sewing shop should be. Thank you!

  43. happy anniversary!!
    i loved getting to know the workroom last year with everything you did for the textile girls at sheridan. thanks so much! and i’d love to take a class sometime.

  44. Happy Anniversary! I’ve only moved to Canada (GTA) a year and a half ago and couldn’t believe my luck when I stumbled upon your blog recently. I still haven’t been to the Workroom in person, so I’m affraid Ican’t share a memory but I’ve drooled over the Amish bars workshop posts and hope I will be able to join in one of these days. I also enjoy what you share about Toronto, very valuable for a newcomer. Thanks!

  45. Happy Anniversary!

    My fondest memory of the Workroom so far is that of my first trip there. I literally felt like a kid in a candy store surrounded by all the delicious fabrics! I’m looking forward to taking a serging class in the spring so I can start working with some knits also.

    Thank you for being a jewel on Queen W!

  46. Félicitations Karyn on your fabulous workroom.

    I moved here in Parkdale from Montreal about 3 1/2 years ago. I passed by the workroom a couple of time before I actually enter in the store. Haven’t sewn for years, I was a little shy to take my first class. When I finally get in, I was amazed by the warmth and good vibes of the shop. It make me fall in love with it right away. A couple of hours of escape from my little routine was just what i needed. I didn’t take many classes yet but I loved the presto nine patches.

    Congrats again and long life to the Workroom!

  47. Oooh, happy anniversary!

    I guess this means that I only discovered the workroom a year and a bit into its existence! ‘Twas in December 2008 (or January 2009, but I think it was the former) and I had just emerged from a job interview on a *freezing* Friday afternoon. My friend and I met up to grab a coffee on Roncesvalles, and it was so cold that we just walked and walked and walked, and finally we got to the cafe only to see that *all* the shops on the street were closed because of the power outage caused by the cold!

    So, strange as it was, I asked her if it was okay if we check out “this new fabric store” I had heard about (via torontocraftalert). Fortunately, you were open! I remember browsing through fat quarters just to warm up, I think I bought three or four prints. Back then, I had no sense of matching colours or designs, nor how large a fat quarter actually was (in terms of what I could do with it). No job, and pretty directionless in terms of fabric…But hey, I kept coming back!

    All the best, and thanks so so much for introducing sewing and crafting into my life!

  48. Congratulations Karyn! I came to The Workroom as a beginner sewer and have learned so much there. I’ve always felt so supported by the staff and the community of creative people who hang out and learn–from my my first zipper (a breeze now!) to my first piped box cushion (awkward to cut out as I was 8 mos pregnant, but turned out lovely) to my first full-sized quilt finished this spring. Thank you for creating and keeping such a special space. I’m looking forward to many more years.

  49. congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!

    i first walked into your store when i was accompanying my sister who was there to purchase some fabric to make a dress. i never really paid much attention to fabrics before but for whatever reason, i remember being mesmerized by the patterns and colours i saw that day. hard to believe but that day was also my very first time buying fabric.

  50. Happy 3 year anniversary! (and Happy birthday to you, too, Karyn!)
    I have SO many great memories at the workroom. I think I’ll always remember the class that started it all: birdie sling!!! Jerisse helped me with fabric selection and Karyn taught such an awesome class. I’ve made over a dozen birdie slings and made countless friends!!!

  51. Happy anniversary again, Karyn! There are so many amazing things about the workroom and each visit brings new inspiration. But, without a doubt, my favourite thing about the workroom extends way beyond what’s really tangible: I feel so lucky to be a part of the workroom community, and the friends I’ve made there make the workroom so much more than a shop.

  52. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary. I heard about your store from my friend Tracey who would make buttons (she’s the one who posted above. if you’re reading this far down, Hi Tracey) I haven’t had the opportunity to take any classes yet but am looking forward to signing up for one soon. I did however come in once to use your tables to cut out a some pajama pants while our kitchen was under renovations & I had no space at home to cut out any projects. I love the concept of your store.

    I LOVE the fabrics you carry and buy fat quarters all the time with the intention of making knitting project bags (when I can put my knitting down long enough to do some sewing)

  53. Congratulations on 3 years! My favourite memory of the Workroom is the day I discovered it and bought way too many fat quarters (many of which I’ve deemed too nice to use and still have them neatly folded, years later…!)

  54. COngratulations on 3 years!
    I remember discovering your blog, devouring all the info, then driving all they way to your store ( I live on the OTher side of Yonge street:}
    When I arrived, I entered with eyes wide opened. loved the book selection and the fabrics. I was going to take a serger class, but it was full. boo hoo for me. maybe this time…

  55. No matter what project I’m currently focused on while visiting, my favorite part is that I’m continually inspired to start NEW projects (sometimes even before the original task is completed!). Thank you so much for the space and patience you all provide.

  56. Happy Third Anniversary to the workroom! I wish I didn’t live so far away (in NY) so I could take classes with you, but I’m glad to hear the accounts of those who have 🙂

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