Far Far Away II Birdie Sling

I’ve been using my sewing machine again and it feels so good. We were on a little break from each other, but I’m suddenly feeling really inspired to get going on some projects.

I was waiting for the Heather Ross Far Far Away II fabric to arrive so that I could make myself a new Birdie Sling bag. I knew it would make the perfect new fall bag. This is the fifth Birdie Sling (1, 2, & 4) that I’ve sewn, so when I make it now, there’s a nice rhythm and familiarity with the pattern that is so satisfying. Mind you, some of you eager sewers out there have made this bag twelve to thirty times! (Dawn, Kelly, Kristen!)

This is still by far, my favourite bag pattern. I used two Far Far Away fabrics for the outside, the grey roses for the body and the grey Sleeping Beauty for the handles and bands. For the lining and pockets, I used a vintage orange floral fabric that I bought in Brimfield. The Far Far Away fabric is a linen/cotton blend and it awesome to sew with. Plus, it’s crazy cute. Also, this colour palette of grey + orange + bits of blue feels perfect for fall.

As soon as I had finished this bag, I started to work on another project using Far Far Away. This fabric gets me so excited! I’m going to finish that up today and try to post it tomorrow. I’m pretty proud of it, since I made up my own pattern and it totally turned out. Love when that happens.

Far Far Away II Birdie Sling

Far Far Away II Birdie Sling

Far Far Away II Birdie Sling


  1. Too funny, I just made the same birdie sling bag with the same fabric! It’s going to be my diaper bag, so I made a few modifications to the inside, but the outside body is the gray roses. My handle and band are made from a natural canvas material. Good idea using the sleeping beauty fabric for the handle/band. I had a hard time deciding what to do!


  2. that lining is so sweet! it’s so awesome when you’re looking in your bag and bam! you see pretty lining. it’s like a secret

  3. Oh how I love that grey rose fabric. I used it to make a dress for my daughter and have been trying to think of a way to use it for myself. After seeing yours I think there is now a birdie sling in my future!

  4. I’m always impressed how neat your projects look. Your stitches are just perfect! I have one question after seeing bag 1,2 and 3. When you typewrite on the muslin doesn’t it wash off when you put into the washing machine? After a while? Because that’s just a fantastic way to personalize the project.
    The bag is awesome. I’ve seen the collection of fabric and didn’t like it much but when I see what you do with it it looks pretty lovely. Good work, Karyn!

  5. Karyn! This is so precious! It makes me want to go back and make more, too!!! So many things I want to do… so little time…
    I really love this bag.

  6. Karyn, this fabric is AMAZING! Thanks for the shot out…. The birdie sling is what got me completely addicted to my sewing machine. I thank my friends for encouraging me to make many many more of these bags!

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