Chromatic Half Log Cabin

I had a marathon sewing night on Sunday. I pulled out my bin of fabric scraps and started working on some Christmas gifts from a new pattern I bought. I’ll show you the results as soon as I put the finishing touches on what I made. I was having so much fun playing with all my scraps and sewing improvisational patchwork, that I kept going until the wee hours of the morning. (um… 4:30am!)

A few months ago, I actually spent a night organizing my scrap bin by colour. This made the patchwork process so much easier, since I had little bundles of each colour that I could just choose from. As I was working away on my Christmas gifts, I started thinking about making a little patchwork block that was based on the colour wheel. I decided to do a half log cabin and started with a sunny yellow corner and worked outwards through all the colours. I really love how this turned out! The block is approximately 20″ square. I am simply going to baste this block, quilt it and bind it. It looks great on our dining room table, but I think it will also look great hanging on the wall. I have officially fallen in love with mini quilts.

I’ve got a bunch of ideas for more scrappy blocks. I really enjoyed free style sewing all the pieces together. I’m thinking that Sunday nights are going to be my ‘mini quilts’ night. I had so much fun and felt so inspired by the process.

Chromatic Half Log Cabin

Chromatic Half Log Cabin

Chromatic Half Log Cabin

Chromatic Half Log Cabin


  1. yay!! it looks so awesome. i like how the sunny yellow corner actually looks like a sun peeking out from the clouds

  2. These look beautiful! I’m in the middle of a scrap project myself–making a coloured pencil roll for my niece for Christmas. It was so satisfying putting together a rainbow pallet largely from scraps. How about a scrap swap one Quilt Sunday?

  3. Awesome! I love what you get when you just start sewing scrap together. I got an entire quilt out of bag of scraps a friend gave me last year. It was so fun to see what I was getting that I just couldn’t stop!

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