Sunday Patchwork #5

Last Sunday, my patchwork was basically the opposite of improv. I’ve been wanting to make some progress on my ‘Mauvey Quilt’. This is a quilt design that was generated from the V&A Patchwork Pattern Maker last year when I uploaded a photo of one of my favourite Liberty of London prints, Mauvey.

I spent a couple weeks assigning colours & fabrics to the colour key, then cutting out squares for both the square pieces and the half square triangle components. Oh yes, this is going to be a Queen-sized quilt. So, that was a heck of a lot of cutting. The final square size is 4.25″. I’m working through the quilt in 36 square increments (6 squares x 6 squares). There are 24 sections. I have now completed 2 sections. Here is the first. This is the second section.

Piecing this pattern requires a lot of attention. I have everything marked out and I am constantly referring to the pattern at every stage, multiple times. This entire quilt is a precision moment.

Though slow going, I love working on it. I’m intrigued by the pixel-y look of it. It’s going to be so fun to watch the sections come together. Luckily I’m feeling very patient with this quilt.

Sunday Patchwork #5

Sunday Patchwork #5

Sunday Patchwork #5


  1. This is so beautiful! I just finished ooh-ing over your last two posts, and then saw there was a new post! I can’t wait to see each new block.

  2. Hello, these blocks your making with this pattern maker are wonderful love these colors. Been wanting totry a improve quilt with these color choices what fabrics did you use. Im thinking on soft pinks greys and creams and greyish browns but can not find the greybrow color would you have any ideas. I just wrote in comments so sorry theres two of these.

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