June Cottage Trip

June hasn’t been my favourite month of the year, that’s for sure. It seems like I’ve spent the month focusing on problems and drama rather than moving forward. The biggest setback has been losing two months worth of our inventory and sales data at the workroom. I wrote about it here. It’s the kinda thing that you hope will never happen and when it does, (despite all your back-up systems) you are crushed with helplessness. Then you need to suck it up and work for several nights until 4am, 2am, 1am to start getting things back on track. If you’re really lucky, like me, when you ask for some help there is an outpouring of kind words, receipts (in person, emailed, photographed, scanned) and offers to do data entry. Thank you. So much.

If you’re just hearing about this now, we are still hoping to get as many of our receipts or emailed invoices from April 5-June 15, 2011. Even if it’s for a spool of thread or a class you took, we’d love to have a copy. No receipt is too small. We’ve been able to rebuild so much quicker with the receipts you have sent in so far. It’s taking a while to go through all your lovely emails, but you’ll hear from us very soon. Please read more details here, if you think you can help.

After four intense days of emergency computer mayhem. We took off to Andrew’s family cottage for 3 days. Perfect timing. Quiet. Escape. Hand stitching. Food. Naps. Nature. Family time.

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip

June Cottage Trip


  1. How could you not finish that bite of piecrust? Mmmm, the best part! Looks like a very restorative break. So sorry I have no receipts to give you – I destroy them as soon as I get home so my husband doesn’t see the evidence.

  2. I hope you’ll be able to get the computer glitches solved soon. On a totally different note, the cottage weekend sounds dreamy and your photos are always so inspirational. Hope you enjoyed a well deserved break!

  3. sorry to hear about the drama and setback, but i’m glad people are offering their help! the cottage looks lovely, i wish wish wish i could go to a cottage this summer. the way you described it is the way i dream it 🙂 beautiful photos!

  4. Your photos are always so beautiful. I’m looking to expand my photography a bit – can I ask what type of lens you are using for these photos?

  5. I am so sorry about what happened. But so glad you took time to get away to the cottage.
    I dropped by when you were at the cottage and I was hoping to see you! I haven’t seen you in the longest time.
    talk soon!

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