Sunday Patchwork #8

The beauty of a mini quilt is that you work through a colour palette or style on a very small scale and feel like you’ve checked it off your list. It would be impossible for me to work out every colour combination I’m in love with as a full sized quilt. Plus, I’ve recently decided that my life needs a wall filled with mini quilts.

This melon and grey combination has made several appearances on my Pinterest colour board. (1, 2, 3, 4!) Grey plus anything is always a favourite for me.

I’m testing out some new ways of doing improv patchwork. For this piece, I made up a rule that I must use equal amounts of all the fabric I chose. I cut a strip of fabric that was 6″ x 2″ of each fabric and started sewing. I wanted to keep it really simple, so I didn’t chop up my sewing too much as I went along. I like how it just ended up being equal squares and rectangles. So simple.

I’m feeling like I need to be more experimental with my quilting designs. I have not yet braved the world of free motion. (soon!) So, I’m still exploring the world of straight lines. I decided to take out my Hera Marker for this and see how it worked for marking my quilting lines. It was perfect!! It allowed me to quickly mark my design with a ruler as I went along without leaving any chalk or ink lines behind. I was surprised at how well the indentations marked the lines for me. This is definitely a new favourite notion to use.

I finished this mini quilt in four days from start to finishing the binding. Wall full of mini quilts should be a breeze, right?

Sunday Patchwork #8

Sunday Patchwork #8

Sunday Patchwork #8

Sunday Patchwork #8

Sunday Patchwork #8

Sunday Patchwork #8


  1. I love this so so so much. I’m curious about this hera marker, I have one but I’ve been using it to press fabric when I’m too lazy to get up (I think we talked about this when we hung out? haha) Now I see you mentioning it for quilting AND my friend Monica did! That’s a sign!
    ps: love the quilting! <3

  2. Ah, too lovely. Sometimes I wonder about the point of mini quilts (since you can’t actually “use” them), but I can definitely believe the quick gratification factor. And I guess they’re great for experimenting, as you said!

    (Good luck with free motion quilting! It’s been an uphill battle for me…)

  3. I love those colors, your mini quilt is pretty! And now I’m curious about the marker, I should give it a try 🙂

  4. i love it. love it. love it. love it. and i love the idea of a wall of mini quilts. i think i need to do a mini quilt wall collage for anika’s room. yep.

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