Sunday Patchwork #9

It’s been a while since I’ve worked on my Star-y Log Cabin quilt, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot. (that counts for something, right?) I finally promised myself that I would devote a Sunday Patchwork night to make some headway with this quilt top. (which was designed by Amanda)

It’s pretty fun to start to see it come together. It’s definitely a much bolder palette than what I tend to go for and it feels pretty good to step outside my normal ‘grey’ palette. I have about five more rounds of logs to do, so I’m just about half way done!

Sunday Patchwork #9

Sunday Patchwork #9

Sunday Patchwork #9


      1. I don’t believe this pattern is available any longer, unfortunately! It was an online class several years ago, but was never released as a pattern.

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