Ruby Star Rising Drawstring Bag

I can make a thousand bags and still need more. I first designed this Drawstring Bag pattern for my camera bag and I still use it every single day. I thought it was time for a new one and wanted to make it boldly coloured. This Melody Miller ‘Ruby Star Rising’ Transistor Radio print that I had in my stash was perfect. It was only after I had made it that I realized that I had been totally inspired by Katherine’s camera bag made with the same Transistor Radio print in the softer colours! I found the perfect cotton ribbon at Mokuba for the drawstring and I just used little bits of the Transistor Radio print to make the hexagon tabs.

I love the bold colour palette of this print so much, I’ve decided to use it as a starting point for my Scrappy String Quilt colours. I’ve started making the blocks and I’m really excited to see how this turns out!

Ruby Star Rising Drawstring Bag

Ruby Star Rising Drawstring Bag

Ruby Star Rising Drawstring Bag


  1. this is a great design. any chance of you selling the pattern at some point? I’d love to be able to make it!

  2. I used this fabric to make my second tie, for my doctor: who did a wonderful job on my eyes. However, it was too much.. for him. He did not like it. He wore it the day when I gave it to him, but shyly he said he didn’t after that
    I was a little sad.
    It’s such an amazing print, with the transistor radio, the colours are wonderful.
    I almost wanted to ask for it back, because I would wear it myself.
    Hopeing he will save it for his little 2yr old boy or little girl, maybe she will wear it when she is a cool teenager.
    It’s great to see this version in a bag, looks amazing.

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