Nested Star

I have a new strategy when making a quilt – make one block first. So many quilt projects start off with hours or days of cutting out pieces. By the time you start sewing, you’re exhausted by the whole thing and maybe you don’t like how the fabrics look together or maybe you can figure out a more efficient way to cut or piece the blocks by doing a test block to start.

Here’s the first block for my Oh My Stars! Quilt by Sheila. I’m using mostly all Lizzy House Constellations fabrics with a few other prints mixed in for good measure. Here’s my stack of fabrics.

My thoughts about this first block? LOVE IT. This quilt won’t be quickly finished, but I’m going to have fun sewing up stars in little batches.

I have never been compelled to base a quilt around a collection of fabric, until now. This collection needs it’s very own quilt. (I have been carrying around a custom iPhone case with the Constellation Fox for well over a year in anticipation of this fabric being released!) Of course the quilt needed to be filled with lots of stars. This is a match made in heaven.

Nested Star

Constellations fabric & iphone case

Lizzy House : Constellations

Lizzy House : Constellations

Lizzy House : Constellations

Nested Star

Nested Star in Lizzy House Constellations



  1. I’m in the middle of making my first quilt top right now, and quite honestly, I find the cutting process the longest and most tedious! I’ve been making each block individually, and it really helps to keep your motivation through the tougher parts when you have the reward of seeing each block completed (besides which, it’s the Swoon quilt, and the blocks are so giant that I can definitely only handle one at a time)!

  2. Perfect strategy. Something I’m doing myself with this huge hand piecing project (or huge blocks per say). Looking forward to seeing more of your new projects.


  3. Looks so cool!
    I love those half moons best of all.

    I almost never (ok, never) do all my cutting at once…it’s bad. I just can’t do it!

  4. I love it! And I agree that the Constellations collection almost demands it’s own quilt… I made Camille Roskelly’s Fireworks quilt using just this collection and I love it! I’m excited to watch the progress on your quilt!

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