Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Here’s my second completed quilt top of the year (of 12). I’ve been wanting to try out some of the rulers from Creative Grids and got my hands on this one, Triangle Squared. Right away, I could see how wonderful these rulers are. Once I had decided on the height of my triangles, I just cut out strips of fabric (1/2″ taller than my finished triangle height) and was able to quickly cut out all my pieces. There was pretty much no waste and my cutting was very accurate. Did I say that it was quick to cut out? It really was! That alone makes me love this ruler. That top notch, in the tip of the triangle, ends being very useful when pairing your triangles together for piecing. The ruler also has a subtle texture on the bottom that prevents it from slipping around.

I randomly pieced the triangles together in pairs and then laid out all the pairs to determine a final layout. All the pairs were pieced into rows and then the rows were sewn together. I made good use of my Best Press Starch for this project to keep everything nice and flat.  I was able to cut and piece this top together within the same day. I love quick projects like this!

If I was to do something similar to this in the future, I might be more deliberate with my fabric placement. I can see how you can create some wonderful secondary patterns by playing with the colour value. I just basted this quilt top the other night, so I’ll be working to finish it off in the next few weeks!

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top

Triangle Squared Mini Quilt Top


  1. Karyn, you’re on a roll with your quilts this year – way to go. That ruler looks like a great little tool to have handy. I may just have to swing by the shop once I’m back in Ontario this summer.

  2. I’m not sure why you cut the strips 1/2 inch taller. Can’t you get the right size triangle by cutting the strip the exact unfinished size?I’m confused.
    The colours are lovely. You have a good eye for colour.
    Also, what is the finished size?

    1. Hi Elena! I would recommend starting with a square patchwork as your first project. The triangles are a bit more challenging to piece together, but this ruler does help.

  3. Thank you for this post! You’ve completely inspired me to finally do my first triangle quilt. I’ve had the ruler for ages buy I’ve been afraid to use it.

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