The Staple Dress

The Staple Dress : pattern by April Rhodes
Innocent Crush voile (Maybe print) by Anna Maria Horner
photographed near the Humber River

I’m giving myself a challenge for the month of June. I’m going to focus on finishing projects. For the first part of this year I’ve been all about starting projects. If I was inspired by a quilt or dress or anything, I just went ahead and started it. The constant feeling of a new project is amazing, but I’ve realized that I should balance that with a month of finishing. The challenge has a hash tag, #junefinish and you are welcome to join me! You can follow my finishes on Instagram or Twitter and please post your own #junefinish projects too! As of today I’ve finished 5 things this month! It has felt so satisfying to finish up new projects and older projects. My Staple Dress was my #1 finish for the month of June!

I started The Staple Dress a few weeks ago. It was all cut out and just needed to be sewn. (There is a sizeable pile of cut out clothing in this state right now) This is a simple pattern that doesn’t take much to finish off. It’s great for a beginner sewer and very satisfying for an experienced one. I was able to sew it up in one night with some finishing details in the morning. There are two variations on the hem and I went with the drop hem. It seemed a bit dressier to me and also just something different. I really like it!

Many people have made theirs and skipped the shirring to wear it with a belt, but I’m the opposite. I love shirring and never wear belts. I am really loving the weight of the voile with this pattern. I’m planning on making a couple more of these dresses and they will definitely be either voile or Liberty Tana Lawn.

This dress has so many things going for it. It’s super cute, very comfy and sews up very fast. Pretty much the perfect combo. I just read that April will be releasing a couple new patterns soon and I can’t wait to see what they are!

You can find both the Staple Dress & the Date Night Dress by April in our shop!

The Staple Dress

The Staple Dress

The Staple Dress


  1. now this is my kind of dress – short (but modest), made with sweet fabric, and made with cotton. It looks great and I’m glad that you were able to cross this off your to-do list.

  2. Lovely! I am a shirring girl myself, hate the feel of belts but love the way they look. Nice dropped hem.

  3. oh that’s so pretty Karyn! I can’t wait to start mine, have the pattern just sitting in a line up, after a few other unfinished projects…

  4. That dress is gorgeous! It’s on my sewing wish list, for sure, but this version makes me want to start planning one of my own.

  5. Somehow I only discovered this pattern a couple of weeks ago. I really like your choice of fabric. It’s just a touch dressy but so comfortable looking. Do you find you need a slip under the voile or is the print dark enough that you don’t have to worry?

  6. Do you have to wear a slip or other opaque garment under this voile dress? I have a pile of nice voile just waiting, but I have modesty issues!!!

    1. Hi Evonne, The voile is pretty dark so I don’t feel like I need another garment underneath. But I would definitely want something if I was using a lighter colour voile!

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