Feather Bed Quilt Top

It was about this time last year that I started my Feather Bed quilt. The quilt top has been done for a little while now. I still need to finish off the back and decide if I’m going to quilt this one. I want to catch up on photographing my quilts in progress, so I took the quilt top with me last week when Maisy and I went down to the Humber River for our Monday adventure.

When we got down to the river that day, the entire park was filled with huge ice chunks that had started to melt over the weekend, cracked and then been pushed down downstream and eventually pushed over the sides of the river bed and across the fields. This has already happened a couple times this winter, but not to this extreme! I’ve never seen anything like it, but it made the perfect backdrop for these photos! These photos were actually taken on the river and you can see how thick the ice is.

I love this quilt top. I had a lot of fun making most of it at our 2013 winter cottage weekend. Both Jacqueline and Katherine let me raid their scraps and stash to add to the fabric I had chosen and to me those additions truly make the quilt top shine. I got the majority of the blocks done over this one weekend, but in the end, I had decided I needed to make the quilt top bigger and add a few more blocks.

The pattern for this quilt top is a free pdf download from Anna Maria Horner! I definitely recommend it. There is one piece of advice that I’d give, that I didn’t catch on to until I was through a lot of the sewing. There is a better way to sew & cut your strips for the plumes that is much more efficient! Luckily, Meredith at Olivia Jane wrote a great tutorial on the method.

I love seeing other versions of this pattern. I was originally inspired to make this pattern when I saw Lalu’s version. I love it on the grey background. Julie made a blue version with the Liberty Stiles collection which is really wonderful, too!

Feather Bed quilt fabric stack

Feather pieces

Feather Bed Quilt

Feather Bed Quilt Top

Feather Bed Quilt Top

Feather Bed Quilt Top

Feather Bed Quilt Top


  1. I love, love, love this quilt. The pattern, the fabric choice… This might have to be my next quilt project!

  2. This quilt is amazing. I can see even through pictures all the work that went into it. It’s such a work of art that I’d hang it up!

  3. I’ve been working on this quilt design (slowly!) for a little over a year. Just wanted to tell you that I really love the color/fabric combo you used – it’s beautiful enough to make me consider making another one of these!

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