Wiksten Tova : Tom Ford Shirting

Wiksten Tova
Tom Ford shirting from Sultan’s Fine Fabrics

Me Made May just finished and I had a lot of fun re-visiting my handmade wardrobe with fresh eyes. I’ll be posting many items over the next few weeks that I was able to finally photograph in detail to show you a closer look.

This Wiksten Tova dress was made from a luxurious Tom Ford shirting fabric that I bought at Sultan’s. As soon as I spotted the roll, I knew I needed to make a dress from it. I especially love making a Wiksten Tova using any type of plaid or check because one of my favourite things to do is cut the yoke on the bias. I was also very careful when cutting out the pieces to match the pattern from the front to the back piece, especially since the pattern is so bold.

I’m not sure if there’s a limit to how many Tovas a girl can have, but I think I could still use a few more.

Wiksten Tova : Tom Ford Shirting

Wiksten Tova : Tom Ford Shirting


  1. I’d really like to follow you on Instagram but every time I click follow, it doesn’t take. Do you need to approve me or something? I am @agatheringofstitches….

    I so admire your aesthetic, was once in your store and wanted to say hello, but was too shy.

  2. I haven’t been to visit Sultan’s yet. Os your fabric 100% cotton? How much per metre or yard?

  3. My dear Karyn,

    Thank you for being my friend and liking my fabrics and introducing them to your students and to the world at large.

    I have been receiving numerous order from all over the world ever since!

    We also carry beautiful Liberty of London Fabrics.

    My best wishes to you and compliments on your endeavor!

    Warmest Regards,


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